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Brightener Can Do

Here is “Emotional Tornado – Visual emotional skills card“!

In four different languages!

Background studies

My education is a Community Educator, at Humak University of Applied Sciences. I’ve also educated myself more by taking additional courses; for example guiding a child’s emotional skills, the basics of positive psychology and supporting stepfamilies. I’m constantly supplementing my competence by taking more studies concerning communication, children’s emotional skills and positive psychology. I offer individual-based coaching, during which the customer will define the topics; and group coaching based on different themes.

Tiina Van Hoorebeke

a most excellent Brightener

Tiina is a positive, goal-oriented, supportive and clear communicator. She has 20 years’ experience of working with different people, groups and organisations. People have said that with Tiina’s coaching people can start to believe in change!

My passion is to guide children and families to thrive with their excellent emotional skills and make people believe in the power of positive communication!

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